Pattnayak, RosaliniDas, Sulagna2017-08-052017-08-052017-09TH-4762 many environmental contaminant situations selenium has become the primary element of concern because of its bioaccumulative nature in food webs .Initial concerns about selenium were related to amphibians and their effect on growth parameters of body.Seleniumis an important macronutrient with a very narrow margin between essentiality and toxicity. Amphibians are hypothesized to be particularly sensitive due to potential for metamorphosis driven mobilisation, which could transfer or accumulate contaminant burdens within specific organs. P.maculatus larva at their gosner stage 23 were exposed to dissolved selenium in form of nano particles and their relative growth parameters were administerd .To best of our knowledge these are a few studies done regarding nanometal effect on metamorphic remodelling. It was concluded that although sub acute exposure to a relatively high concentration of selenium cause accumulation but still the effect is considered of low toxicity.ennullMETAMOPHOSIS AND EFFECT OF NANOSELENIUM PARTICLES ON Polypedates maculatusThesis