Iniyah, KJayachitra, SBalasundaram, KTANUVAS2019-10-302019-10-302019 9(3)273-277irregular margins and consisted of splenic, duodenal and connecting lobes. The three lobes of pancreas and the connecting strands enclosed the portal ring. Among the three lobes, the duodenal lobe was thin and long, the splenic lobe was thick and longer and the connecting lobe was thickest and shortest. Pancreatico-duodenal lymphnodes and adipose tissue were found adjacent to all the lobes and in portal ring. The main pancreatic duct arose from duodenal lobe and it opened about 20 cm from the pylorus in the duodenum.enVeterinary ScienceGross Morphological Features of Pancreas in Large White Yorkshire PigsInternational Journal of Livestock ResearchArticle