Meena, A.Kumaresan, A.Madheswaran, R.TANUVAS2019-05-242019-05-242014-07 boxer bitch aged 7 years weighing about 24 kg was presented to the Teaching Veterinary Clincial complex, VCRI, Namakkal with the history of mass like lesion noticed on the elbow joint for the past 8 months. Clinical examination revealed that a nonpainful hard swelling seen on the lateral aspect of the both the olecranon indicating the fibrous tissue formation at that area. Based on the site, nature of lesion and radiographic examination revealed a bilateral chronic condition of elbow hygroma and was decided to perform surgical excision.en-USVeterinary ScienceVeterinary Clinical MedicineSurgical Management Of Bilateral Elbow Hygroma In A Boxer Dog6th International Clinical Case Conference for Next Generation Veterinarians to Face Challenges in Clinical Practice - July 2014Other