Pandey, Alok KumarKerketta, Anil Kerketta2017-08-182017-08-182008 OF POULTRY IN CULTURE AND ECONOMY OF TRIBALS OF RANCHI DISTRICT OF JHARKHANDThe findings and experiences of the present study open the gateway to the horizon of new research endeavour. Some of the further research possibilities could be as follows:- 1. The present study was conducted in only (4) four Blocks of Ranchi districts, State of Jharkhand keeping in view of the popularity of the poultry rearing in this area. A study could be carried out taking the all tribal and weaker section of Jharkhand. 2. An in depth studies of the poultry farming may be taken up to suggest the best combination of poultry enterprises in terms of money. 3. A full-fledged study to develop a suitable communication strategy to bring about behavioral changes specially in the knowledge of the poultry owners, could be undertaken. 4. A deep probe, from anthropological angle can be targeted to study the place of poultry in culture and economy of tribal farmers.en-USnullPLACE OF POULTRY IN CULTURE AND ECONOMY OF TRIBALS OF RANCHI DISTRICT OF JHARKHANDThesis