Dr. K. A. KhuntPrashant N Gavhane2017-05-292017-05-292009-04http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810012866The study on the analysis of consumption pattern is a pre-requisite of a planned economy so as to enable the planners to have a precise knowledge of the future demand of different commodities and to match supply with changing pattern of demand and to understand the nutritional standard of the area. The required data on monthly per capita expenditure for various items of consumption in rural and urban sectors of Junagadh district were collected by conventional survey method in November to December 2008. 50 households from rural area and 50 households from urban area were selected for investigation in Junagadh district. Without intercept regression analysis technique was adopted for estimating the consumer equivalent adult scale for three main commodity groups as well as total expenditure. The expenditure elasticities have been estimated from various forms of Engel function. Gini concentration ratio was used as an index for measuring the inequalities in the total expenditure and expenditure on different food items including milk and milk products. Step wise regression technique was employed to find out which factors are affecting the consumption of milk and milk products. The objectives were (i) to compare rural and urban groups in terms of total expenditure. (ii) to estimate expenditure and income elasticities. (iii) to examine inequality in rural and urban area. (iv) to know which factors are affecting consumption of milk and milk products. Major findings of the study revealed that, in rural area majority of the sample households (50 %) belong to low income group whereas only 20 percent in high income group. From occupational point of view, cultivator group constitute major portion of rural area. In urban area 16 percent of the sample households were in low income group and 24 percent household belong to high income group. From occupational point of view, business class contribute major portion of urban area. The adult equivalent scale for male 20 to 40 years age group has the largest proportionate share of expenditure in rural and urban area. Rural children were not properly nourished than urban area. In both the areas all the people prefer liquid milk in their diet than other milk products. The average per capita expenditure of urban area found higher than rural area. In both the areas, it was found that with the increase in the level of total per capita expenditure, the percentage share of expenditure on food items decreased while that of non-food items increased. It was also noticed that barring high income group, the percentage share of expenditure on milk and milk products was decreased with the increase in the level of total monthly household income in rural and urban areas, however the actual amount on these products increased with increase in income. In rural and urban areas total milk and milk products were found to be expenditure and income inelastic in nature. The Gini concentration for milk and milk products and total expenditure were found to be higher in rural area than urban area. This is due to the difference in purchasing power of peoples in rural area. In the rural area increase in the expenditure on cereals would significantly decrease the expenditure on milk and milk products. On the other hand, in urban area it was observed that an increase in the expenditure on meat and eggs would significantly decrease the expenditure on milk and milk products. whereas expenditure on pulses, vegetables and fruits, sugar, edible oils and fats, other food items had positive significant effect on the expenditure of milk and milk products. In both the area rate of literacy was found to be positive impact on consumption of milk and milk products.eneconimicsCONSUMPTION PATTERN OF MILK AND MILK PRODUCTS IN JUNAGADH DISTRICTThesis