Sharma, R.P.Thakur, Anjali2019-08-012019-08-012019-06 prresentt iinvesttiigattiion was carrrriied outt iin an on--goiing llong--tterrm fferrttiilliizerr experriimentt,, iiniittiiatted durriing 1972 att experriimenttall ffarrm off Deparrttmentt off Soiill Sciience,, CSK HPKV Pallampurr,, tto sttudy tthe effffectt off conttiinuous applliicattiion off fferrttiilliizerrs and amendmentts on prroducttiiviitty,, qualliitty off maiize ((Zea mays L..)) and soiill healltth iin an aciid Allffiisoll underr maiize--wheatt crroppiing systtem.. The experriimentt consiistted off elleven ttrreattmentts.. The soiill off tthe experriimenttall siitte was siilltt lloam and cllassiiffiied ttaxonomiicalllly as Typiic Haplludallff.. Soiill samplles,, collllectted ffrrom ttwo deptths viiz..,, 0--0..15 and 0..15--0..30 m afftterr tthe harrvestt off maiize ((khariiff 2018)),, werre anallysed fforr detterrmiinattiion off diifffferrentt physiicall ((bullk densiitty,, parrttiiclle densiitty,, porrosiitty and watterr holldiing capaciitty)),, chemiicall ((pH,, SOC,, avaiillablle N,, P,, K,, Ca,, Mg,, Fe,, Mn,, Zn and Cu)) and biiollogiicall parrametterrs ((MBC,, MBN and dehydrrogenase acttiiviitty)).. Grraiin and sttoverr samplles werre allso collllectted and anallyzed tto callcullatte nuttrriientt upttake and assess grraiin qualliitty parrametterrs.. Conttiinuous applliicattiion off fferrttiilliizerrs and amendmentts fforr fforrtty--siix yearrs siigniiffiicanttlly iinfflluenced tthe yiielld and nuttrriientt upttake by maiize.. The ttrreattmentt comprriisiing 100 perr centt NPK + FYM rrecorrded tthe hiighestt grraiin (46..47 q ha--1) and sttoverr yiielld (77..00 q ha--1) and nuttrriientt upttake and was att parr wiitth 100 perr centt NPK + lliime.. Omiissiion off S and K decrreased tthe grraiin yiielld by 55..1 and 52..6 perr centt,, rrespecttiivelly,, wherreas conttiinuous applliicattiion off N allone rresulltted iin zerro yiielld.. IInttegrrattiion off FYM and 100 perr centt NPK iimprroved tthe qualliitty off maiize grraiin and rrecorrded hiighestt vallue off crrude prrotteiin,, crrude ffatt,, crrude ffiibrre,, carrbohydrrattes,, sttarrch,, rreduciing and non--rreduciing sugarr,, ash and llowestt moiistturre conttentt.. Addiittiion off manurre orr lliime allong wiitth rrecommended dose off fferrttiilliizerrs iimprroved tthe soiill healltth iin tterrms off physiicall,, chemiicall and biiollogiicall prroperrttiies off soiill.. Diifffferrentt soiill healltth parrametterrs werre siigniiffiicanttlly and posiittiivelly corrrrellatted wiitth grraiin and sttoverr yiielld and qualliitty ttrraiitts off maiize exceptt bullk densiitty whiich was negattiivelly corrrrellatted.enEFFECT OF CONTINUOUS APPLICATION OF FERTILIZERS AND AMENDMENTS ON PRODUCTIVITY, QUALITY OF MAIZE (Zea mays L.) AND SOIL HEALTH IN AN ACID ALFISOLThesis