Anil AhujaNazeer Mohammed2017-01-022017-01-022011 attempt to diagnose the colic in equines on the basis of clinical symptoms having history of abdominal pain in clinic of Department of Clinical Veterinary Medicine, Ethics and Jurisprudence, CVAS, Bikaner; Veterinary Polyclinic, Gogagate, Bikaner; National Research Centre on Equine, Bikaner and in and around Bikaner region, which is located in northwestern semi arid part of Rajasthan, was carried out. In the present study, out of 132 equines, 17 equines were found colicky and compared with 10 apparently healthy equines. The overall prevalence of equine colic was observed as 12.87%. According to type of colic, the prevalence was found 29.41% in impactive colic and 70.59% in spasmodic colic. The mortality rate in equines was observed as 11.76%. There was great variation in duration and severity of clinical manifestation. However, loss of appetite and depression, repeatedly lying down and stretching out the body with legs, lip curling and pawing, looking back at flank region and kicking at the belly, disturbed urination pattern, rolling and severe sweating were observed in 100%, 74%, 60%, 47%, 40% and 27% of cases, respectively. Before treatment, the clinical parameters like pulse rate, respiration rate and capillary refill time was highly significant increase, however, temperature was non- significantly decreased in colicky equines. Hemoconcentration and dehydration were evident at severity of colic indicated by significant increase in Hb, TEC and highly significant increase in PCV but significant decrease in TLC, neutrophil, lymphocyte and highly significant decrease in total platelet were observed before treatment. Eosinophil and monocyte were non-significantly decreased. Biochemical parameters like total protein, blood glucose, blood urea nitrogen, blood lactate and alkaline phosphatase were highly significantly increased and serum creatinine was also significantly increased but within reference limits. These all clinical, hematological and biochemical parameters were within reference range after treatment and almost similar to healthy control group. All the colicky cases were divided into two groups (impactive colic and spasmodic colic) and the treatment were given as per requirement or according to type and severity of colic. As per result regarding symptomatic therapy which includes Xylazine hydrochloride, Hyoscine butylbromide, Pentazocine, Dicyclomine hydrochloride, Magnesium sulphate, Ranitidine, Neostigmine, Mineral oil, Penicillin and Fluid and electrolyte therapy were found highly effective treatment of equine colic.enbiological phenomena, diseases, byproducts, heterocyclic compounds, lactation, proteins, concentrates, body weight, inorganic acid salts, enzymesCLINICAL STUDIES ON EQUINE COLICThesis