SHARMA, P CKUMAR, MANOJ2020-02-222020-02-222019-11-29 present investigation on the “Extraction and utilization of papaya leaf extract for preparation of ready to serve beverages” was carried out in the Department of Food Science and Technology. Papaya leaf juice is known to improve the platelet counts in dengue fever patients due to presence of various bioactive components. In order to utilize this property of papaya leaves, efforts were made to optimize method for papaya juice extraction and preparation of papaya juice based mango nectar. Papaya leaf juice extracted by using different techniques viz; T1 Cold juice extract, T2 Hot juice extract, T3 hot juice extract with 20% water, T4 hot juice extract with 30% water and T5 hot juice extract with 40% water was evaluated for different physico- chemical and sensory attributes. It was observed that Juice yield of extract varied from 48- 58.7%, TSS 2.2 – 5.54⁰B, titratable acidity 0.02-0.06%, pH 6.8- 7.2, total phenol 2.24- 2.47 mg GAE/ml, chlorophyll 0.068-0.214 mg/ml, reducing sugar 2.98- 4.90 mg/ml, total sugar 3.75-4.97 mg/ml and ascorbic acid 0.47-0.86 mg/100ml. Among different treatments, the papaya leaf juice extracted by using hot extraction method after diluting with 20% water (T3) was adjudged the most appropriate with respect to better juice yield (48.2%), chemical and sensory attributes and hence optimized for preparation of papaya leaf juice based mango nectar. Out of different combinations viz; 100:0, 90:10, 80:20, 70:30, 60:40, 50:50, 40:60, 30:70, 20:80, 10:90 and 0:100% of mango pulp and papaya leaf juice, the fruit nectar prepared by using 20% juice/pulp in proportion of 70% mango pulp and 30% papaya leaf juice, 15⁰B TSS and 0.3% titratable acidity was found the best on the basis of sensory attributes. Chemically, the product contained 15⁰B, 0.3% acidity, 147.68mg/ml total sugar, 42µg/100ml ascorbic acid, 1.07mg GAE/ml total phenol with 23.39% antioxidant activity. The product remained acceptable up to 90 days of storage with negligible changes in different chemical and sensory attributes at both ambient (30-35⁰C) and (5±1⁰C) low temperature. After 90 days of storage value for different attributes at low and ambient temperature were found as 15.6 and 15.7⁰B TSS, 0.36 and 0.38% acidity, 3.91 and 3.86 pH, 35 and 33µg/100ml ascorbic acid, 1.20 and 1.17 mg GAE/ml total phenol, 147.84 and 150.74 mg/ml total sugar, 61.30 and 68.30 mg/ml reducing sugar and 17.42 and 16.89% antioxidant activity respectively. Microbiologically, the product remained safer with no growth of any micro-organism. The product remained self-stable up to 90 days of storage at both ambient and low temperature. Thus, papaya leaf juice can be utilized for preparation of papaya juice based mango nectar for its regular consumption as a health promoting beverage.ennullEXTRACTION AND UTILIZATION OF PAPAYA LEAF EXTRACT FOR PREPARATION OF READY TO SERVE BEVERAGESThesis