Dhanju, C. K.Islash, Shruti2016-11-242016-11-242010http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/87370To understand the impact of tremendous changes in agroecosystem of Punjab on many bird species, community structure and breeding biology of birds in natural nests and in artificial provisions installed in agrifields surrounded by residential areas was studied. Studies were carried out in plant nursery and agrifield near residences of Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana from June 2009 - May 2010. A total of 2897 birds including 21 different species were recorded. Common Myna was found to be the dominant bird species. The number of birds was more in the evening than in the morning. Species richness was highest (15 - 19) in May - June and lowest (4 - 11) in November - December. Species diversity as well as evenness also varied throughout the year. Total twelve natural nests, one each of Spotted Owlet, Common Babbler, Blue Rock Pigeon, Common Myna, 3 of Eurasian Collared Dove and 5 cavities by Rose Ringed Parakeet were recorded on different trees at heights of 6 - 29 ft during January - April in two areas. Nesting materials included twigs, feathers, roots, grasses, leaves etc. Clutch size, incubation and raising period of young ones were normal and breeding success was 100% in all bird species. Out of three provisions, artificial boxes installed on different trees at a height of 10 - 18 ft in these areas were occupied mainly by Common Myna (85%) with a high breeding success of 89.6% which reveals that provision of artificial nest boxes enhances the breeding of Common Myna, the dominant species of agroecosystems near residential areas.enSTUDIES ON COMMUNITY STRUCTURE AND IMPACT OF ARTIFICIAL PROVISIONS ON BREEDING BIOLOGY Of BIRDS IN AGROECOSYSTEM SURROUNDED BY RESIDENTIAL AREASThesis