Muralidharan, JSankar, VSenthilkumar, P; et al.TANUVAS2020-03-022020-03-022019-12 performance in an organized sheep farm of TANUVAS, Tamil Nadu was analysed for the period, 2016-17, 2017-18 and 2018-19. Number of ewes available for breeding was 332, 345 and 344 respectively. Number of ewes tupped were 305, 320 and 310 resulting in tupping percentage of 91.87, 92.75 and 90.12, respectively. The farm has been practising seasonal mating with natural service in two breeding seasons viz., main season between August-September and off season between March-April. Flushing is done 2-3 weeks prior to mating season with extra concentrate feed. Under seasonal breeding tupping percentage recorded was satisfactory. Out of the tupped ewes, 272, 257 and 265 ewes lambed. Lambing percentage on tupped basis were 89.18, 80.31 and 85.48 respectively. Though the lambing percentage was satisfactory, there is still hope for improvement. Lambing percentage of more than 90 per cent would have been ideal. Since Mecheri breed of sheep is reared in semi-arid region twinning is rare. In these three years twinning percentage of 1.84, 1.53 and 1.88 were recorded. Age at first lambing in days was 619, 637 and 590. The breed is attaining breedable age early compared to many other breeds. Lambing interval were 278, 270 and 275 days respectively for the three years. The breed is giving three lambings in two years of period which is good. Overall reproductive performance of the farm was satisfactory. There is scope to increase tupping percentage by oestrus synchronization and lambing percentage by improved management.enVeterinary ScienceREPRODUCTIVE PERFORMANCE OF MECHERI SHEEP IN AN ORGANIZED FARMInternational Symposium on Global perspectives to enhance livestock fertility through modern reproductive techniques for doubling farmer's IncomeOther