Vijayalingam TARajesh NVIlavarasan SVenkataramanan RTANUVAS2023-11-212023-11-212019 Retrospective study on the results of post mortem examination conducted on poultry carcasses at Veterinary University Training and Research Centre (VUTRC), Ramanathapuram, a constituent unit of Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Tamil Nadu, India was carried out over a period of four years from 2015 to 2018 in order to find out the frequency of occurrence of a particular disease in this geographical location and species, age and season wise pattern of disease occurrence. Mostly, the pure desi chicken were found to be the main target for many of the infectious diseases (12.1%) followed with hybrid chicken Giriraja (7.4%) and Turkey (5.3%). Japanese Quails were least affected (1.4%). Birds at the age group of 0-8 wks was most susceptible (13.2%) rather than 9-20 wks (12.7%) and >20 wks (10.3%). Disease prevalence was reported highest during February (31.5%) and lowest during July (6.0%). The North East monsoon represented the period of increased disease occurrence of 13.0% compared to that of summer season 10.1% and South West monsoon 8.9%. During the study period of four years between 2015 and 2018, the highest mortality (19.4%) in poultry was recorded during the year 2015 and lowest (12.5%) during 2016. A total of 125 flocks with 68, 550 birds were affected with recorded death of 10, 645 birds during the study period. Out of this mortality 1922 (16.3%) was due to parasitic diseases, 2608 (29.9%) viral diseases, 5904 (14.3%) bacterial diseases, 77 (6.0%) fungal diseases and 134 (6.8%) were due to other factors like heat stroke. Of the bacterial diseases diagnosed, Ulcerative enteritis was of the highest percentage (14.6%) followed by Fowl chlorea (8.0%) and Infectious coryza (3.7%). Parasitic diseases included Coccidiosis (12.3%), tape worm infestation (10.1%), round worm infestation (14.4%) and mixed parasitic infection (16.3%). The most reported death due to viral diseases was Newcastle Disease (ND) (41.4%), Infectious Laryngotracheitis (ILT) (22.2%) and Fowl pox (6.9%). Aflatoxicosis was the only fungal entity noticed (6.0%).EnglishAnalysis of poultry disease pattern using post-mortem examination data in Ramanathapuram district: A retrospective studyJournal of Entomology and Zoology StudiesArticle