Das, RanjanCHAUDHARY, RAKESH KUMAR2024-06-292024-06-292023https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810211184A pot experiment was carried out at the Stress Physiology Laboratory, AAU Jorhat, to evaluate the root characteristics and yield capabilities of millets under low pH conditions. Seven genotypes were chosen for research and cultivated in control conditions using a factorial completely randomised design with three replications. The genotypes were grown in two pH level 4.5 and 5.5. The investigation revealed that there was significant diversity within genotypes under low pH treatments in terms of morphophysiological features, tolerance efficiency, and yield attributing factors. Plant height, leaf area index, leaf area duration, root length, number of primary and secondary roots, and root volume were all significantly higher in the Gossaingaon genotype and significantly lower in the Bharathi genotype. Tolerant efficiency indices viz. CSI, MSI, and PHSI indices demonstrate that genotype Gossaingaon and China mujih also have higher values compared to non-tolerant one. Similarly yield and yield attributing characteristics such as panicle length, harvest index, tiller number, grain per panicle, and 1000 grain weight were recorded significantly greater in Gossaingaon and China mujih even at low pH levels. It can be recognized that some genotypes have a higher ability to grow in low soil pH conditions. Among the genotypes, Gossaigaon, China mujih, and CFMV 2 were found to be the least affected by low soil pH. The ability of tolerant genotypes to grow in low pH conditions may be related to a decrease in H202 and maintenance of chlorophyll content in the leaf as well as intact xylem and phloem size of the root. As a result, genotypes Gossaingaon and China mujih may be considered the most promising genotypes among the seven genotypes under lower pH values in the current study.EnglishSTUDY OF ROOT CHARACTERISTICS AND YIELDING ABILITY OF SOME MILLET UNDER LOW pH LEVELThesis