SomveerSagar2018-11-142018-11-142018 current study constituted forty six Gossypium hirsutum L. genotypes viz., 36 hybrids resulting from their nine parents and one check hybrid HHH 223. The crossing programme was done during kharif 2016 in half diallel mating design. All these genotypes viz., 9 parents, 36 hybrids, one check hybrid HHH 223 were grown in randomized block design during kharif 2017 at Cotton Research Area, CCS Haryana Agricultual University, Hisar. Data was recorded for following characters namely, days to first flower, plant height (cm), numer of monopods, number of sympods, number of bolls, boll weight(g), seed cotton yield per plant (g), ginning out turn (%), seed index, lint index, fibre length (mm), upper half mean length (mm), fibre strength (g/tex) and micronaire value (μg/inch). The analysis of variance revealed significant results for all the characters under study except seed index. The parents H 1353 and H 1098i on the basis of gca estimates were the best general combiners for seed cotton yield whereas, H 1476 H and H 1465 for fibre quality. On the basis of sca estimates the best specific combiners out of 36 cross combinations were H 1465 × H 1226, H 1300 × H 1226 and H 1490 × H 1464 for seed cotton yield and H 1316 × H 1490, H 1098i × H 1490 and H 1465 × H 1226 for fibre quality parameters. Among hybrids, maximum heterosis was observed in H 1465 × H 1226 for seed cotton yield (42%), plant height (27.08%) and number of bolls (65.30%), suggesting that all these traits are correlated with each other. For seed cotton yield highest per se performance was recorded in H 1465 × H 1226 having highest heterotic effect. Hence, these above crosses need further testing in different environments for future breeding programmes. Molecular diversity among nine parents was analysed using ISSR markers. Primers ISSR 32 and UBC 842 were recorded with maximum PIC value (0.68) indicating maximum contribution of these primers for diversity analysis. The NTSYS-pc UPGMA tree cluster analysis resulted that nine parental genotypes were quite distinct. Nine parental genotypes formed four clusters at 69% similarity index. The use of genotypes from these different clusters in hybridization is assuring to produce feasible heterotic combinations in forthcoming breeding programmes.ennullMolecular diversity and combining ability analysis for yield and quality attributes in diallel crosses of upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.)Thesis