SUNIL KUMAR BABU, G.VYKHANESWARI, K.2022-08-042022-08-042022-08-04D202 ON PERFORMANCE OF DAIRY SECTOR IN ANDHRA PRADESHIndia surpassed the major milk producing countries and continued as the largest milk producing nation with milk production 187.7 MT in 2018-19 by contributing about 22% of the world‟s milk production. The dairy sector contributes significantly to generating employment opportunities and supplementing the income of small and marginal farmers and landless labourers of rural India, besides providing food security. Cooperative and private dairy industries play a major role in the procurement, processing, and marketing of milk and milk products. As dairying is gaining more importance in providing livelihood to a large number of farmers and various disputes are being faced in the existing situation of the dairy sector. Hence, the present study entitled “Study on performance of the dairy sector in Andhra Pradesh” was taken up with the following objectives 1. to study the growth and performance of dairy sector in Andhra Pradesh 2. to study the structural changes in dairy sector of Andhra Pradesh 3. to identify and analyse the factors influencing the performance of cooperative vis-à-vis private dairy industries of Andhra Pradesh and 4. to identify the problems faced by the different stake holders in dairy sector of Andhra Pradesh. A multistage sampling technique was used for the study and Andhra Pradesh state was purposively selected. Three districts based on the highest milk production were selected viz., Krishna, Guntur, and Kurnool. Three cooperative and three private dairy industries were selected, two from each district includes one cooperative and one private dairy industry. A total of 180 xi farmers were selected, 30 from each dairy industry i.e., 60 from each district. A number of 30 wholesalers, 30 retailers and 30 consumers were selected as five from each dairy industry. The primary data was collected through interview schedule in the agricultural year of 2018-19 and secondary data from various sources like the department of animal husbandry, websites, chief planning office of the district, reports, etc. The overall compound growth rate of the livestock population was observed to be 0.99%, a positive and significant. It was observed that a positive and significant growth rate was recorded for the buffalo population from 1956 to 2019 with a growth rate of 0.57%. The cattle population was recorded with a negative growth rate of -0.44% from 1956 to 2019. Milk production in Andhra Pradesh has been increased from 4036 to 15044 „000 metric tonnes during the period of 2000-01 to 2018-19. The compound annual growth rate of milk production was observed to be positive and significant from 2000-01 to 2018-19 with 7.6%. The compound growth rate of milk yield (kg/day) was noticed to be 3.2% which was positive and significant from 2000-01 to 2018-19. The overall compound annual growth rate of milk production density (kg/day/ showed a positive and significant growth rate of 7.5% for the entire period. The overall compound annual growth rate of dairy cooperative societies from 2000-01 to 2018-19 was observed to be a positive and significant growth rate of 0.33%. The compound annual growth rate of veterinary institutions was observed to be a positive and significant rate of 0.49%. The highest annual growth rate was recorded with 27.21 % in the year2010-11 and the lowest with -22.79% in the year 2014-15. The overall compound annual growth rate of AI centres was recorded to be positive and significant with 5.28%. The number of AIs done showed a positive and significant growth rate of 4.00% for the overall period of 2000-01 to 2018-19. The area under fodder development („000 acres) has increased from 285.63 (2000-01) to 538.63 (2018-19). The overall compound annual growth rate of the area was recorded at 3.59%. Chow test was employed to study the structural change in the dairy sector of Andhra Pradesh. The outcome of the Chow test shows that F calculated value is greater than F table value at 5% level of significance which concluded that there exists a structural change in the two sub-periods. Differential slope coefficients of bovine population (X1) and average procurement price per litre (X4) variables were found to be positive and negative significant, with coefficient values of 3.64 and -0.28, respectively. The statistically significant differential slope coefficients indicate that the two sub-periods have a different slope. It can be noticed that differential intercept was significant at 1% level of significance with the value of -12.38 indicates the existence of the structural change between the two sub-periods. xii KMO and Bartlett‟s test was used to indicate the suitability of the data for structure detection. Initial eigen values display the amount of variance that can be explained by a given principal component. The number of extracted four components contributed to 60.465 per cent of the total variance. The overall analysis showed the performance of different dairy industries branched under four components with related aspects of their performance. The extensive constraint faced by the cooperative dairy was high competition among other dairy industries Maintenance costs of the entire dairy industry was the dominant constraint faced by the private dairy industries. Less remunerative price was the major constraint as the farmers were not getting the reasonable price for their produce sold to the cooperative dairy industries. The predominant constraint faced by the private dairy farmers was the inadequate availability of feed and fodder. Maintenance cost was the major impediment faced by the wholesalers and retailers. The major constraint faced by the consumers was product availability i.e., required products were not available at all the time. The focal point of the study was productivity per animal has to be increased. Initiative should be taken to provide uniform price based on fat content by the both cooperative and private dairy industries. To reduce the cost of feed & fodder and increase its availability, time for the dairy farmers to rely on hydroponics system of fodder cultivation and farmers should concentrate more on growing wide varieties of fodder.EnglishSTUDY ON PERFORMANCE OF DAIRY SECTOR IN ANDHRA PRADESHThesis