Dr. Samit DuttaKADAM ROHIT SUDHIR2023-04-052023-04-052021https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810196066Nut spreads and seed spreads have tremendous advantages for their nutritional value, simplicity and in consumer appeal. Flaxseed possess very good nutritional value and superior quality fat which are health promoting. From the nutritional profile, flaxseed was considered among nutraceutical and functional food. Value addition by developing a product like flaxseed based spread can help in making the nutritional benefits available to all age group of consumers. The present study was carried out to optimize roasting temperature, time, RPM, proportion of food additives, chemical and organoleptic properties of flaxseed based spread.EnglishDEVELOPMENT OF THE FLAXSEED BASED SPREADThesis