Ubale, Sunil Sahebrao2017-06-202017-06-202011Ubale , 2011http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810021923COMPARATIVE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF AIR SLEEVE BOOM, BOOM AND AERO BLAST SPRAYERS ON COTTON CROPIndia stands first in the world cotton area i.e. 11 million hectares representing 28 per cent of the world coverage of cotton area and contributes 21 per cent of global cotton production in 2008-09. Cotton scenario in India is now dominated by Bt cotton covering more than 90 per cent area (Barik, 2010). Change in pest dynamics has become more common in recent times in rapidly changing cropping systems and environment with the dominance of Bt cotton across India. Sucking pests especially leaf hopper, aphid, whitefly and thrips attained the status of pests of great concern after the introduction of Bt cotton in India. In India, still the pesticides are applied through the conventional method of spraying on cotton crop which employs high volume and low volume hydraulic sprayers with long lances to convey the spray fluid. Air assisted spraying system has been found more efficient way for application of pesticides for control of insects and pest. Three different types of spraying equipments i.e. air sleeve boom, aero blast and boom sprayers were evaluated in laboratory for different discharge rates D1, D2 and D3 (0.45, 0.7, 1.35), (4.75, 7.7, 9.9) and (0.45, 0.9, and 1.35 lpm) and two nozzle pressures (2.8 and 4.2 kg/cm2) respectively. The droplet size and droplet density were measured at six different positions on plant. The droplet size (VMD) of air sleeve boom sprayer for different combinations such as D1P1, D1P2, D2P1, D2P2, D3P1 and D3P2 at six different levels were found in the range of (172.54-248.18,190.19-270.32,205.87-258.83,213.71-245.09,169.13-244.13and132.84-236.82) respectively. The droplet size range and density for than air sleeve boom sprayer and boom sprayer was found optimum for discharge rate of 1.35 lpm and 4.4 kg/cm2 whereas for 0.9 lpm and 2.8 kg/cm2 for aero blast sprayer. Significant difference was observed for droplet size, droplet density and uniformity coefficient of air sleeve boom, boom and aero blast sprayers at six different plant positions. The field experiment was conducted in the field on Bt. cotton during period of 2009-10 at Main Cotton Research Station, Athwa farm, Surat, to study their comparative performances for spray efficacy of pesticides application. The first spray was done with Acetamiprid 20 SP @ 20g a. i./ha, second spray with Imdacloprid 200SL @ 200g a. i. per ha and third with Ektara @100g a. i. per ha for reducing sucking pests population. Ektara @100g a. i. per ha insecticide results were better than first and second spraying with Acetamiprid 20 SP @ 20g a. i./ha and Imdacloprid 200SL @ 200g a. i. per ha in the reduction of insects population. The air sleeve boom sprayer method of spraying with Ektara @100g a. i. per ha insecticide is most efficient for the reduction of insects population. Cotton yield was recorded from each plots in different treatments for tractor mounted air sleeve boom, boom, aero blast and manually operated knapsack sprayers were 2868.507 kg/ha , 2514.820 kg/ha, 2247.500 kg/ha and 1801.776 kg/ha respectively.ennullCOMPARATIVE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF AIR SLEEVE BOOM, BOOM AND AERO BLAST SPRAYERS ON COTTON CROPThesis