Tewari, S.K.Bhattacharjee, Biswajit2019-06-192019-06-192004-07http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810109164The study conducted in Tarikhet block of Almora district in Uttaranchal was based on data collected from 40 farmers for the agricultural year 2003-04. The study aims at examining the income structure, identification of major farming systems and enterprises linkages, examining growth trends of area of crops and economics and constraints of farming systems. Income from dairy enterprise formed the major source of income on small and medium farms but vegetable cultivation turned out to be largest source of income on large farms. The farming system crop + vegetable + dairy are practiced on each of the small, medium and large farms but farming systems crop + vegetable + dairy +livestock are practiced only on few of the small farms. The major cereals and pulse crops i.e. paddy, wheat, barley, urd and lentil registered a significant negative growth rates in area. Potato, soybean and lahi witnessed a significant positive growth rate in area during the period 1990-91 to 1999-2000. The net return over total cost of the farming systems crop + vegetable + dairy were estimated to be Rs. 10478.56 for an average size of 0.34 ha of small farm, Rs. 22179.70 for an average size of 0.62 ha of medium farm and Rs. 32032.44 for an average size of 0.90 ha of large farm. The net returns over variable cost from this farming system were estimated to be Rs. 21036.85 on a small farm (0.32 ha), Rs. 41152.72 on a medium farm (0.62 ha) and Rs. 58613.10 on a large farm (0.90 ha) The net returns over total cost and variable cost of the farming system crop + vegetable+ dairy + livestock estimated to be Rs. 10882.17 and Rs. 21946.30 on small farms (0.32 ha) respectively. Lack of irrigation facilities, fragmented land holdings, poor marketing facilities, local breed, breeding of bovines appeared as the major constraints that affect the profitability of the farming systems. The results suggest that post-harvesting and marketing support can be the most significant strategy to improve the economic well-being of farmers as the dairying and vegetable cultivation form the two most significant components of the farming systems.ennullCrop dynamics and economics of farming systems-a study of Tarikhet block of Almora districtThesis