PUGAZHARASI CTANUVASKRISHNAKUMAR KMEIGNANALAKSHMI SJAISHANKAR S2023-12-292023-12-292022https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810205004Buffaloes have high production potential but their reproductive efficiency is often compromised by delayed puberty, late sexual maturity, silent estrus and poor estrus expression which limits the reproductive potential. Silent estrus is one of the major problems in buffaloes which causes huge economic loss to the farmers. Hence, development of appropriate diagnostic assay for detection of silent estrus in buffaloes are thrust area of research and need of the hour too. Saliva and other easily accessible body fluids such as cervico-vaginal fluid and urine have been widely employed in the recent years for protein profiling to identify proteins for developing useful non-invasive biomarker for various diagnostic applications. Therefore, the present study is designed to study the ovarian steroids, cortisol profile, estrus specific protein profile in saliva, cervico-vaginal fluid (CVF) and urine during standing estrus in silent estrus buffaloes. Eighteen healthy non-pregnant graded Murrah buffaloes at PGRIAS, Kattupakkam were selected for this study and synchronized using progesterone device. The selected buffaloes were randomly allotted in to three groups viz. Group I (Induced estrus), Group II (Regular estrus) and Group III (Silent estrus). The blood samples were collected during proestrus, pre-estrus, estrus and diestrus from all the groups for estimation of hormone profile by RIA. The saliva, CVF and urine samples were collected for total protein estimation by Bradford assay and protein profiling using SDS-PAGE.EnglishESTRUS SPECIFIC PROTEIN PROFILE IN SALIVA, CERVICO-VAGINAL FLUID (CVF) AND URINE DURING STANDING ESTRUS IN SILENT ESTRUS BUFFALOESThesis