Singh, JitendraSharma, DhananjayDash, Sasmita Priyadarsini2017-10-132017-10-132017, COMBINING ABILITY AND HETEROSIS FOR FRUIT YIELD AND ITS COMPONENTS IN BRINJAL (Solanum melongena L.)The present investigation entitled “Divergence, combining ability and heterosis for fruit yield and its components in brinjal (Solanum melongena L.)” was carried out at the field of AICRP on Vegetable Crops at Horticultural Research cum Instructional Farm, Indira Gandhi Krishi Vishwavidyalaya, Raipur (C.G.) during 2015-16 to 2016-17 to study the divergence, variability, heritability, genetic advance, association study for various quantitative characters to estimate the general combining ability and specific combining ability of parent and crosses, respectively, type of gene action involved for fruit yield and its components and to ascertain the magnitude of heterosis.The experimental material of present study comprised of a set of one hundred and ten genotypes including four improved varieties to estimate genetic divergence during kharif 2015. Analysis of variance revealed that high magnitude of genotypic as well as phenotypic coefficient of variations were recorded for all characters except number of primary branches per plant, days to 50 per cent flowering and days to first fruit harvest.D2 values recorded for fruit yield and its components indicated the presence of appreciable genetic diversity among the genotypes and also revealed that the geographic distribution had no relation to genetic diversity. The cluster analysis grouped all 110 brinjal genotypes into 8 major clusters. Highest inter cluster distance was observed between cluster II and cluster IV followed by cluster I and cluster II, cluster II and cluster VII whereas, least distance was noted between cluster V and cluster VI. However, highest intra cluster distance was recorded in cluster IV and lowest inter cluster distance found in cluster II. Pericarp thickness contributed maximum towards diversity followed by number of fruits per plant per picking, fruit yield per plant, fruit length, number of fruits per plant, days to 50 per cent flowering, average fruit weight. Hence, selection for divergent parent based on these traits were be used for selection of six lines (IGB-17, IGB-54, IGB-55, IGB-62, IGB-88, IGB-92) and four testers (Pant Rituraj, Pant Samrat, Kashi Taru and IBWL) for combination breeding exploiting Line x Tester analysis in brinjal. Combining ability analysis revealed that predominance of non-additive gene actions for most of characters except days to first fruit harvest, number of clusters per plant and fruit length. Lines IGB-88 and IGB-54 were found good general combiner for earliness, IGB-17, IGB-62 and IGB-92 for fruit yield per plant, while, Pant Rituraj and Kashi Taru was used as broad base tester for fruit yield and its component brinjal improvement programme. A high degree of heterosis was observed for most of the characters under investigation. High per se performance with remarkable heterosis and significant SCA effects was expressed by IGB-17 x Pant Rituraj, IGB-92 x Pant Samrat, IGB-17 x Kashi Taru, IGB-17 x IBWL, IGB-62 x IBWL, IGB 92 x Pant Rituraj for fruit yield per plant (kg).The association study revealed that selection for fruit yield should be based on plant height, number of primary branches per plant, number of fruits per cluster, fruit girth, average fruit weight, pericarp thickness and number of fruits per plant per picking. Looking to the study of germplasm characterization, diversity, combining ability and heterosis for fruit yield and its components in brinjal was the framework for improvement of brinjal under Chhattisgarh plains.ennullDIVERGENCE, COMBINING ABILITY AND HETEROSIS FOR FRUIT YIELD AND ITS COMPONENTS IN BRINJAL (Solanum melongena L.)Thesis