VENKATESHA, J.RAVIKUMAR, M.2017-03-142017-03-142009-10-15Th-9493 on integrated nutrient management studies in coleus were carried out during kharif season of 2006 and 2007 at Department of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, Kittur Rani Channamma College of Horticulture, Arabhavi located under Western dry zone of Karnataka. In the first experiment, combined application of RD FYM + RD NPK + neem cake + AZT + AZP (T16) recorded significantly higher values for growth parameters, number of tuberous roots per plant (16.43), length of tuberous roots (11.70 cm), girth of tuberous roots (1.71 cm), fresh and dry weight of tuberous roots per plant (211.17 g and 35.00 g, respectively) and per hectare (8.51 t and 1.41 t, respectively), forskolin content (0.62%), maximum total uptake of nitrogen (123.79 kg/ha), phosphorus (58.93 kg/ha) and potassium (163.90 kg/ha), net income (Rs. 22,964.50) and cost : benefit ratio (1 : 1.48). In the second experiment, plants provided with RD NPK + RD FYM + AZT + PSB + VAM (T11) recorded significantly higher values for growth parameters, number of tuberous roots per plant (12.57), length of tuberous roots (12.26 cm), girth of tuberous roots (1.64 cm), fresh and dry weight of tuberous roots per plant (277.50 g and 39.39 g, respectively) and per hectare (11.27 t and 1.60 t), forskolin content (0.76%), highest nitrogen (115.83 kg/ha), phosphorus (49.59 kg/ha) and potassium (151.55 kg/ha) uptake, maximum net income (Rs. 39,064.50) and cost : benefit ratio (1 : 1.95). Thus, based on the growth, yield, quality and C : B ratio, it could be inferred that application of RD NPK + RD FYM + AZT + PSB + VAM can be adopted by the coleus growers in the western dry zone of Karnataka.ennullINTEGRATED NUTRIENT MANAGEMENT STUDIES IN COLEUS (Coleus forskohlii Briq.)Thesis