Y.B. PalledK.V. Keshavaiah2016-11-102016-11-102011http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/85003Field experiments were conducted at Zonal Agricultural Research Station, V.C. Farm, Mandya on the effect of organic and integrated nutrient management practices on yield and quality of sugarcane and jaggery during 2007-08 and 2008-09. The treatments consisted of two varieties Co 62175 and Co 86032 as main plot and eight nutrient management practices. The results of the plant crop of sugarcane reveal that Co 62175 variety recorded significantly higher cane height (2.45 m), cane weight (1.79 kg), girth (3.13 cm), population of millable canes (115340 ha-1), cane volume (0.185 m3) and sugarcane yield (149.04 t ha-1)compared to Co 86032 variety. The juice quality parameters like brix (20.82%), pol per cent (19.13%), CCS (13.61%) were significantly higher with Co 86032 variety of sugarcane. Among the nutrient management practices, significantly higher cane length (2.80 m), cane weight (2.05 kg), girth (3.58 cm), millable cane number (1,30,470 ha- 1), cane volume (0.191 m3) and sugarcane yield (170.33 t ha-1) were recorded with 50 per cent N equivalent through pressmud and 50 per cent NPK through chemical fertilizers (N6) over all the other nutrient management practices (N7) except recommended package of practices with which it was on par. Sugar yield was significantly higher with N6 over other nutrient management practices but it was on par with N7. The jaggery quality was higher with more of A1 quality jaggery with organic nutrient management practices. The nutrient management practice with 50 per cent N equivalent through pressmud and 50 per cent NPK through chemical fertilizers recorded significantly higher net income (Rs. 105543 ha-1) and B:C ratio (2.28) over all the other nutrient management practices. The experiment on ratoon crop produced similar results as that of plant crop. Co 62175 variety of sugarcane produced higher yield attributing parameters and yield over Co 86032. Among the nutrient management practices, higher yield attributing parameters and yield were recorded with N6 over all others except N7.AgronomyEffect of Organic and Integrated Nutrient Management Practices on Growth, Yield and Quality of Sugarcane and Jaggery in Cauvery Command AreaThesis