Kuldeep SinghLovepreet Singh2020-07-132020-07-132020http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810149024The present study entitled “Impact analysis of protected vegetable cultivation trained by KVK Jalandhar” was undertaken to study the adoption level of different practices of protected cultivation by farmers, factors affecting the adoption of protected cultivation, economic benefits and the problems faced by vegetable growers in adoption of protected cultivation. A total sample of 200 respondents practicing protected vegetable cultivation were selected from Jalandhar district from which 150 respondents were trained by KVK Jalandhar and remaining 50 respondents were non trainees. Study concludes that trainees had medium level of adoption in capsicum and cucumber crop, high in tomato crop under poly or net house while non trainees had low level of adoption in capsicum, medium in tomato and low-medium in cucumber crop. In case of low tunnel technology, trainees had high in capsicum and cucumber and medium level of adoption in tomato while non trainees had low level in all selected crops. It was found that land holding, social media and training had positively correlated with adoption of protected cultivation whereas age had negatively correlated. Regression analysis revealed that training and land was positively while age was negatively affecting the adoption of protected cultivation. Economic returns and yield of trainees had higher in all selected crops (capsicum, tomato and cucumber) as compared to non trainees. Majority of trainees and non trainees faced the problem of remunerative prices of produce in all structures, whereas problems of repair, maintenances and disease infestation were more in poly or net house .While in case of low tunnel, non availability of subsidy was major problem among respondents.ennullImpact analysis of protected vegetable cultivation trained by KVK JalandharThesis