SUNDARASWAMY, B.KARPAGAM, C.2019-09-212019-09-212001-08-09Th-6096 study on knowledge and adoption behaviour of turmeric growers was carried out during 2000 in Erode district of Tamil Nadu state. following simple random sampling 120 farmers were selected and data were collected by personal interview method. The important findings of the study were; majority of the respondents possessed medium level of knowledge (70.00%) and adoption (65.83%) about recommended cultural practices of turmeric. Less than half of the respondents cultivated recommended varieties (29.17%), application of fungicide (23.33%), application of pesticide (12.50%), earthing up (10.83%) and application of potash fertilizer (5.83%) as recommended. Majority of the respondents practiced application of phosphatic fertilizer (84.17%), application of FYM (78.34%) and application of potash fertilizer (59.17%) more than recommended. A considerable percentage of the farmers were educated upto middle school. Over half of the respondents (53.33%) were fi-om nuclear family. Majority of the respondents (94.17%) possessed television sets. Among them a considerable percentage of farmers regularly viewed the news (65.49%) followed by agricultural programmes (11.50%) and general programmes (4.42%). A fKJsitive and significant relationship was observed between level of knowledge, adoption and socio-economic characteristics like education, land holding and scientific orientation. The relationship of yield was positively significant with the knowledge and adoption level of respondents. Majority of the respondents expressed the problem of rotting of rhizome (98.33%) and leaf blotch (79.17%). Whereas, price fluctuation (71.67%), high cost of labour (63.33%) and scarcity of labour (60.00%) were the constraints expressed by turmeric growers. Majority of the respondents (62.50%) market their produce in the regulated market followed by commission agents (32.50%) and co-operative society (5.00%). Majority of the respondents (73.33%) collected the information on market price from others who visited market, followed by radio (60.83%), newspaper (55.00%) and personally visiting market (54.17%). The benefit cost ratio in turmeric cultivation worked out to 2.12.ennullA STUDY ON THE KNOWLEDGE AND ADOPTION BEHAVIOUR OF TURMERIC GROWERS IN ERODE DISTRICT OF TAMIL NADU STATEThesis