Koshta, V.K.Deole, (Smt.) SonaliSharma, DhananjaySaxena, R.R.Netam, Manisha2016-12-152016-12-152016133 p.http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/90248Present investigation entitled “Evaluation of the different brinjal germplasm against major insect pests with special reference to shoot and fruit borer, Leucinodes orbonalis Guenee” was conducted during Kharif, 2015-16 by the department of entomology, at the Research cum Instructional Farm of Indira Gandhi Krishi Vishwavidyalaya, Raipur (C.G.). Findings of the present study showed that, four insect pests viz., whitefly (Bemisia tabaci), Jassid (Amrasca biguttula biguttula Ishida), Epilachna beetle (Henosepilachna vigintioctopunctata Fab) and Brinjal shoot and fruit borer (Leucinodes orbonalis Guenee) were recorded as the major insect pest during Kharif, 2015-16. Natural enemies of these insect pests viz., lady bird beetle (Coccinella spp.), spider (Lynx spp.) and dragon fly (Pantala flavescens) were also recorded. Activity of insect pest viz., whitefly, Jassid, epilachna beetle and Brinjal shoot and fruit borer were first appeared in 1st week of September (36th SMW). Peak population recorded in whitefly 10.6/plant (45th SMW), jassid 7.6/plant (4th, 5th SMW), epilachna beetle 4.8/plant (47th SMW), shoot and fruit borer 6/plant (47th SMW), respectively. Whitefly population showed negative highly significant correlation with relative humidity morning in the germplasm lines IGB-37(r = 0.510) and IGB-38 (r= 0.526). Jassid population showed negative highly significant correlation with minimum temperature, relative humidity morning, wind velocity and sunshine hours. Epilachna beetle population showed negative highly significant correlation with minimum temperature, maximum temperature and sunshine hours. Minimum mean infestation in fruits was found in genotype IGB-92 (20.83 %) followed by IGB-93 (22.21%) while maximum mean infestation in fruits was recorded in IGB-89 (79.30 %) followed by IGB-68 (74.36 %). Among 106 germplasm lines of brinjal, 2 were moderately tolerant, 24 susceptible and rest 80 genotypes were found highly susceptible to brinjal shoot and fruit borer. Shoot and fruit borer population showed negative highly significant relation with rainfall in germplasm lines IGB-8 (r = 0.970) and IGB-16 (r = 0.918), relative humidity morning IGB-8 (r = 0.970), and IGB-16 (r = 0.918), relative humidity evening IGB-34 (r = 0.921), IGB-16 (r = 0.966) and IGB-34 (r = 0.973) and sunshine hours IGB- 61 (r = 0.922 ) and IGB-99 (r = 0.947), respectively. In case of natural enemies the peak activity was observed in lady bird beetle 4.0/plant (48th SMW) and spider 3.6/plant (47th SMW) and dragonfly 3.4/plant (37 and 38th SMW) respectively. Thereafter the population was gradually declined from 51st SMW, respectively. The lady bird beetle population showed significant positive correlation with whitefly population (r =0.227) and epilachna beetle(r = 0.205) wherein negative non significant correlation with jassid population (r =0.027). The spider population showed significant positive non-significant correlation with whitefly population (r =0.039) and negative non significant correlation with jassid population (r = -0.142) and epilachna beetle(r = -0.048). The dragonfly population showed non-significant negative correlation with whitefly population (r =0.041) and jassid (r = 0.027) wherein positive significant correlation was noticed with epilachna beetle population (r =0.205). The plant characteristics of brinjal germplasm lines viz., length, width, weight and colour of fruits, length and thickness of pedicle, calyx length, width and leaf lobing of leaves, had negative non significant correlations with shoot and fruit infestation by L. orbonalis. Leaf length and leaf width showed positive non-significant correlation with the shoot and fruit borer infestation at number basis (r = 0.075) & weight basis (r = 0.041) and at number basis (r = 0.069) & weight basis (r = 0.059) respectively.enEVALUATIONOF THE DIFFERENT BRINJAL GERMPLASM AGAINST MAJOR INSECT PEST WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO SHOOT AND FRUIT BORER, Leucinodes orbonalis GueneeThesis