Khokhar, Kiran K.Meenakshi2017-03-272017-03-272016 about soil organic carbon and nitrogen fractions under different tillage systems is essential for sustainability of agricultural systems. The long-term impact of zero tillage in wheat under rice-wheat cropping system at farmers’ fields was evaluated during 2015-2016 for monitoring changes in different fractions of soil organic carbon and nitrogen, and wheat productivity parameters in three texturally different soils. The zero tillage practice in wheat increased the organic carbon content and carbon stock as compared to conventional tillage in soils. Reduction in the intensity of tillage from conventional to zero resulted in decrease in bulk density of sub- surface soil. The zero tillage increased dissolved organic carbon, microbial biomass carbon light and heavy fractions of carbon in soils at both the depths. The light and heavy fraction carbon values were observed to be lower in lighter textured soil which increased with increase in fineness of the texture. The total nitrogen was highest in clay loam under zero tillage at 0-15 cm depth as compared to conventional tillage. Total hydrolysable nitrogen was found highest in clay loam followed by loam and sandy loam soils. Highest values of nonhydrolysable nitrogen, amino acid nitrogen, hydrolysable ammonium nitrogen were observed in zero tillage practice as compared to conventional practice. The practice of zero tillage found to be effective in increasing yield of wheat in fine textured soils as compared to coarse textured. The results of the study indicated that the practice of zero tillage in wheat under rice-wheat cropping system may be adopted for sustaining the productivity of the cropping systemenEffect of long-term zero tillage in wheat on C and N fractions of different textured soils under rice-wheat cropping systemThesis