Prof. Kalpesh KumarAnkur Srivastav2018-10-032018-10-032018-07 study on “Estimation of Export Mileage, Performance and Decision Making of Onion Export” was undertaken to measure the import competitiveness of raw material procurement, export performance and export mileage. The present study was carried out in „Kirti foods Pvt. Ltd. Mahua Taluka of Gujarat state. The secondary data were collected from the various publish sources and website. The study selected Mundra port for estimation of export mileages for fresh onion export from Mundra port to other countries. The different analytical tools like Revealed Comparative advantage, Markov Chain Model and Weighted Average Source Distance were employed to study the export trade analysis of fresh onion. Expectancy Value Model was use for purchase decision of raw material procurement and import competitiveness of fresh onion in the world market. The Markov chain analysis for the projected export share to different countries showed that almost all countries will continue to be stable importer of Indian fresh onion at present the countries pooled under „other countries‟ would import more Indian fresh onion in near future. Export mileage was beneficial to exporters way to attempting to measure how far product has travelled to reach the consumer and it is an indicator to evaluate the impact on the economic, social and ecological system and it associates quality fresh onion availability, wastage and disposal. Among all countries in quantity of fresh onion it was cardinal port of Canada in large quantity. Revealed comparative advantage was use for export performance of fresh onion. The study selected six major importing countries of fresh onion. There are fluctuations in rupee value but its demand is increasing every year. In recent year it shows that India has comparative advantage with Netherland and Egypt, it means fresh onion commodity has a comparative advantage in power market liberalization, can create jobs and increase incomes.ennull“ESTIMATION OF EXPORT MILEAGE, PERFORMANCE AND DECISION MAKING OF FRESH ONION EXPORT”Thesis