Madeline M. SuvaCeline Kerketta2024-06-072024-06-071992 ,Celine, university of the Philippines at los Bahos,October,1992. Constraints to the Utilization of Recommended Rice Practices in Ranchi District of Bihar India. Major professor: Dr.Virginia R.Cardenas. This study was an attempt to (1) identify some characteristics of the rice farmers and their effects on the adoption of recommended rice practices. (2)Determine the perceived level of availability of support services among the respondents. (3) determine the extent of adoption of improved rice production practices by the rice farmers. (4) identify some constraints to the adoption of recommended rice technologies. And (5) determins the extent of the contribution of these factors to adoption. The study was conducted in four Development Blocks (a sub-unit of a district) of Ranchi district Bihar India viz. Kanke. Angara, Ratu, and Bero. Among 150 farmers. A multi-stage sampling technique was used to select the samples. Pearson correlation test was used to determine whether significant relationships existed between selected factor and adoption of improved rice technology. Data were obtained through the use of a questionnaire. The average age of the farmers was 42 years. Thirty-four percent had no formal schooling, and 42 percent had incomes enough to sustain their families for a year. Average household size was eight(8) with an average of 4.72 units of family labor available. Fifty percent of the respondents tribal and the other half non-tribals with an average or 26 years farming experience, contact with extension workers, however, was very poor. They had highly favorable attitudes towards improved rice technologies, except killing rats by using baits. Average farm size was 1.59 hectares but the land holdings were scattered which hindered them from adopting improved rice technologies. Sixty-two percent had water resource or irrigation facility for their crops but it was inadequate. About 22precent were able to grow two crops a year on the same parcel with an average multiple cropping intensity of about 125 percent . Sixty-two percent of the farmers did not avail of any credit facility, only 21 percent got more than 75 percent of their capital requirement from credit sources. An average of 54.7 percent of the farm inputs required were available to the farmers, but these were very costly and sometimes not available at the right time, amount, and price. An average of 77 percent capital was available to the farmers. Exposure to agricultural publications and membership in agriculture related organizations were very low an average of 30 and 25 percent, respectively. Proximity to road was favorable. Only 57 percent listened to agricultural programs from the radio. Although 48.63 percent of adoption support services were mentioned available to the farmers. Only as average of 20.75 percent of recommended technologies were adopted in Ranchi district. Of 19 independent variables tested using the correlation coefficient, only seven were significantly related to the adoption of improved rice technologies. However, using stepwise multiple regressions, only eight variables, such as inputs, caste, credit, farms size, extension contact, radio listenership, membership in organization, and proximity to roads were found to explain best the adoption of improved technologies. It suggests that by strengthening the variables input , credit , farm size, extension contact, radio listening, affiliation in organization , and connecting feeder roads to the highway, more technology adoption may be achieved in rice production. Farmers reported several constraints to the adoption of the recommended rice technologies. Important among these were poor availability o f inputs at proper time. Their inadequate amount and unaffordable price , lack of funds , lack of technical know-how and lack of irrigation .These problems are mostly institutional. Hence, if an effective policy to improve these conditions is implemented, there will be more chance of technology adoption among the farmers. Also, through efficient extension service these above mentioned constraints to adoption of improved technologies would certainly be minimized.EnglishConstraints to the Utilization of Recommended Rice Practices in Ranchi District of Bihar India 1989-1992Thesis