Srinivasan MRJanani MRamasamy TMadheswaran RTANUVAS2024-07-182024-07-182023 colitis was induced in adult zebrafi sh using oxazolone and treated with non-steroidal anti-infl ammatory drug, 5-amino salicylic acid (5-ASA). The experiment was conducted into two phases as tolerability and effi cacy studies using one hundred adult zebrafi sh. Tolerability study was conducted to ascertain the maximum tolerable dose of 5-ASA using 30 zebrafi sh. The fi shes were randomly distributed to six groups of fi ve fi sh in each group and duration of the study was eight days. Effi cacy study was conducted to fi nd out the anti-infl ammatory eff ects of 5-ASA in oxazolone induced colitis using 70 zebrafi sh. The fi shes were randomly allocated to seven groups of ten fi sh in each group and duration of the study was six days. Colitis was induced in zebrafi sh by intrarectal administration of oxazolone on the fi rst day. The colitis induced fi shes were treated with 5-ASA through oral route for four consecutive days from 2-5. Fishes were sacrifi ced on day six and intestine of fi ve fi shes from each group was collected for histopathology. The infl ammatory changes in the colonic mucosa like thickening of bowel wall, disruption of mucosal architecture, presence of goblet cells and infi ltration of eosinophils were included for histological scoring. The changes were reversed after treatment with 5-ASA at 2 μg/fi sh and the reversal was not dose dependent in higher doses. Further studies are required to establish the dose response curve for the dose less than 2 μg/fi sh. Hence, this model can be explored as a replacement for ulcerative colitis mouse model to study the effi cacy of the drugs.EnglishEffect of 5-amino salicylic acid on oxazolone induced ulcerative colitis in adult zebrafish modelIndian Journal of Veterinary PathologyArticle