PUSHKIN RAJ HKIBSON STANUVASNAGARAJAN LUSHAKUMARY S2024-01-112024-01-112021https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810206143Eighteen clinical cases of dogs with aural haematoma of various etiologies reported to the Small Animal Surgical Out-patient Unit, Madras Veterinary College Teaching Hospital, were selected and taken up for the study. The selected animals were subjected to routine clinical examination, haemato-biochemical analysis and in the affected ear canal bacterial culture, antibiotic sensitivity test with swab taken up from the affected ear canal and otoscopic examination was carried out. The eighteen dogs selected for the study were randomly divided into three groups irrespective of breed, age, sex, body weight,animals were subjected to general anaesthesia and positioned on the lateral recumbency with the affected ear comingon top, in group Itreatment of aural haematoma by conventional suturing method was done; in group IItreatment of aural haematoma using carbon dioxide laser was carried out; in group III treatment of aural haematoma with human fibrin glue was done.Samples of haematoma fluid was collected for haemato-biochemical analysis and biopsy from the auricular cartilage were taken with 0.6mm punch biopsy for histopathological analysis. Post-operatively Doppler ultrasonogaphy was performed on day 3, 7, 14 to evaluate angiogenesis. Post operative complications were recorded.EnglishCARBON DIOXIDE LASER AND HUMAN FIBRIN GLUE SEALANT FOR MANAGEMENT OF AURAL HAEMATOMA IN DOGSThesis