VAIDYA, MANOJ KMEHTA, GAGAN2023-01-182023-01-182022-12 The present study entitled “Strategic Management for Changing Structure of Livelihood in Himachal Pradesh” was conducted during the year 2020-22 in Solan, Chamba and Kinnaur districts of the state selected from 3 different strata’s classified based on their per cent contribution to state GDP. Stratified multistage random sampling was used to select 120 respondents from each strata constituting a sample size of 360 respondents in the present study. At overall level the average family size was found 6.04 persons, out of which 55.31 per cent were males and sex ratio was found 808. Literacy rate and literacy index was estimated 78.37 per cent and 1.95 respectively. Agriculture was found to be the main occupation as 68.61 per cent of workforce practice farming at overall farm category level. The average size of land holding was found 0.97 hectare in which 48.47 per cent of the area was cultivated area and 24.99 per cent area was under orchard. At overall level cropping intensity without orchard and with orchard was worked out to be 169.36 per cent and 151.21 per cent respectively, which indicates that there is a scope to increase the farm efficiency. Income pattern revealed that main source of income was farm sector (83.66 %), with in farm sector horticulture sector contributed highest (77.01 %) to the total income on overall basis. Livelihood framework analysis revealed that, Strata-III outperformed Strata-I and Strata-II in terms of human, natural, social, and financial assets. As far as political asset is concerned it was found more in Strata-II as comparison to other strata’s. Furthermore, there was a noticeable difference was observed in the physical capital amongst different strata’s as Strata-I was better in physical capital as comparison to other strata’s. To identify the vulnerability of rural households, Livelihood Vulnerability Index (LVI) and LVI-IPCC approaches were used. According to LVI composite index approach Strata-II was found to be most vulnerable followed by Strata-I and Strata-III, whereas Strata-I was observed to be least vulnerable using the LVI-IPCC approach. Among all the government sponsored schemes, the schemes which had significant impact on livelihood of sample households were Kisan Credit Scheme (KCC), Horticulture Training and Extension Service, Sub-Mission on Agricultural Mechanization and MGNREGA. The result of the study showed that out of the 10 determinants of diversification of livelihoods identified: age of household head, level of education, family size, land-man ratio, access to irrigation, access to credit and distance to market were significant predictors of diversification of livelihoods. Furthermore, rural household income in the study area get boosted when respondents have higher livelihood diversification, better literacy rate, larger land holding, better irrigation facility, higher proportion of non-farm income share and less distance to nearest markeEnglishSTRATEGIC MANAGEMENT FOR CHANGING STRUCTURE OF LIVELIHOOD IN HIMACHAL PRADESHThesis