Sukhmandeep Singh2017-02-162017-02-162012 research project: “A study of brand loyalty of restaurant customers” was undertaken to check the level of brand loyalty and the factors affecting the brand loyalty of customers in restaurants. A sample of 100 respondents was taken from 5 restaurants. The present study is conducted in order to find the level of brand loyalty of customers in restaurants using David Aaker‟s framework. The level of brand loyalty was studied in 4 groups of variables. It was found that in group variables of reasons for visit to restaurant, the level of brand loyalty was maximum i.e. 3.18 out of five whereas for group variables of „revisit to restaurant‟ the level of brand loyalty was minimum i.e. 2.86.To achieve the second objective of the study i.e. the factors affecting brand loyalty of the customers in restaurants, the “factor analysis” technique was used. Eight factors were extracted through this technique i.e. service quality & advertisement, atmosphere, hygiene, friendliness, food quality, value for money and crowd. Service quality and advertisement was found to be the most important factor affecting the brand loyalty of customers in restaurants.eneconomics, biological phenomena, resins, productivity, technological changes, exhibitions, developmental stages, marketing, biological development, selectionA STUDY OF BRAND LOYALTY OF RESTAURANT CUSTOMERSThesis