Dr. P. V. PatelPrakriti Singh2019-05-302019-05-302017http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810105907The study was carried out to ascertain the monthwise, seasonwise, agewise, sexwise, breedwise, and overall prevalence as well as haematological and biochemical aspects of gastrointestinal helminthosis in horses at Anand District of Gujarat. The study was undertaken for the period of twelve months from March-2016 to February-2017. The faecal samples were collected from the horses brought to the Veterinary Clinical Complex (VCC), Department of Surgery and Radiology, College of Veterinary Science and A. H., AAU, Anand and the surrounding field areas. For recording and findings of prevalence, faecal samples of horses were collected for the detection and identification of eggs of gastrointestinal helminths as per standard method.en-USnullSTUDIES ON HELMINTHIC INFECTION IN HORSE (Equus caballus)Thesis