Kumar, ArunAwasthi, Vedangi2022-12-052022-12-052022-09-08Vedangi Awasthi. 2022. EFFECT OF MICRONUTRIENTS APPLICATION WITH FYM AND BIO-FERTILIZERS ON GROWTH, YIELD AND QUALITY OF FODDER MAIZE. Thesis, M. Sc.https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810190375An investigation was carried out during Kharif 2021 on silty clay loam soil at Agriculture Research Farm, Banda University of Agriculture and Technology, Banda to find out the effects of micronutrients application with FYM and biofertilizers on growth, yield & quality of fodder maize (var. African Tall). Ten treatments i.e. Control, RDF, RDF + FYM, RDF + FYM + MMN I, RDF + FYM + MMN II, RDF + FYM + MMN I & II, RDF + Biofertilizers, RDF + Bio-fertilizers + MMN I, RDF + Bio-fertilizers + MMN II, RDF + Biofertilizers + MMN I & II were tested with three replications. The important research findings obtained from this investigation are presented here in brief: The growth, yield and quality attributes were recorded significantly highest in T10 (RDF + Bio-fertilizers + MMN I & II). The highest yield of 22.80 t ha-1 green fodder and 3.94 t ha-1 dry fodder was received in T10 followed by T6 with 22.50 t ha-1 green fodder and 3.91 t ha-1 dry fodder. The T1 (control) and T2 (RDF) performed lowest among all the treatments under study. T4 and T8 having soil application of multi micronutrients grade I performed comparatively better than the foliar application of multi micronutrients grade II as showed in T5 and T9. The use of bio-fertilizers (T7, T8, T9 & T10) in place of FYM (T3, T4, T5 & T6) performed comparatively better as depicted in the results of particular treatments. The gross income (Rs. 125381.70 ha-1 ) and net return (Rs. 101438.70 ha-1 ) were significantly highest in T10 with the highest BC ratio (4.23) followed by T6 with Rs. 123768.30 ha-1 gross income and Rs. 92493.34 ha-1 net returns while T9 poses higher BC ratio of (4.10). The crude protein and micronutrients content were also found higher in T10 (RDF + Bio-fertilizers + MMN I & II). Thus, to get qualitative fodder in good quantity, the application of RDF should be coupled with bio-fertilizers and multi micronutrients. It is rather more profitable than the application of RDF alone.EnglishEFFECT OF MICRONUTRIENTS APPLICATION WITH FYM AND BIO-FERTILIZERS ON GROWTH, YIELD AND QUALITY OF FODDER MAIZEThesis