Narendra SinghMILIND SAGAR2023-12-062023-12-062023-08-07Milind Sagar {2023}, Response of greengram [Vigna radiata (L.)] varieties to various NPK doses under Bundelkhand Agro-climatic conditions, M.Sc.(Ag.),BANDA UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE & TECHNOLOGY BANDA-210001, UTTAR PRADESH (INDIA) experiment was conducted at University Research Farm, Banda University of Agriculture and Technology, Banda (U.P.) on the topic entitled “Response of greengram [Vigna radiata (L.)] varieties to various NPK doses under Bundelkhand Agro-climatic conditions” during kharif 2022. The main aim of this experiment is to find out the best performing greengram variety, most suitable dose of fertilizer and interaction among them. The experiment comprises of two factor treatments conducted in Split plot design with three main plot factors and three sub-plot factors. The total combination of treatments was nine and each treatment replicated thrice. The main plot consists of three greengram varieties, IPM 02-3, IPM 410-3 and PDM-139. Further, each main plot is divided into three sub-plots consists of three different recommended doses of fertilizers viz., 75%, 100% and 125% RDF where, 100% RDF consist of 25:50:30 NPK kg ha-1 . The soil in which experiment conducted was silty clay, pH value is (7.85), E.C. (0.28 dSm-1 ), Organic carbon (0.41%), available N2 (192 kg ha-1 ), P2O5 (9.42 kg ha-1 ), K2O (208.04 kg ha-1 ). Observations on growth parameters, quantitative and qualitative attributes of greengram were recorded as and when required. The following conducted study reveals that the greengram variety IPM 02-3 performs better in comparison to other varieties i.e., IPM 410-3 and PDM-139. Among doses, 125% RDF of NPK had recorded better performance regarding growth attributes viz., Plant height (cm), plant dry matter (g plant-1 ), number of branches (plant-1 ) and LAI and yield attributing parameters viz., Number of pods (plant-1 ), length of pods (cm), test weight (g), straw yield (q ha-1 ) and biological yield (q ha-1 ). The interaction of variety IPM 02-3 with 125% RDF of NPK in growth viz., LAI and rhizobium root nodule count (plant-1 ) and yield viz., Number of pods (plant-1 ), biological yield (q ha-1 ) is found to be best in comparison to 75% and 100% RDF. Economically, 100% recommended dose of fertilizer of NPK was significantly higher in gross return, net return and B:C ratio. Based on the experimental observations, it was concluded that farmers under Bundelkhand Agro-climatic conditions can cultivate greengram variety “IPM 02-3” with 100% recommended dose of fertilizer for achieving maximum growth, yield and economical benefits.EnglishRESPONSE OF GREENGRAM [Vigna radiata (L.)] VARIETIES TO VARIOUS NPK DOSES UNDER BUNDELKHAND AGRO-CLIMATIC CONDITIONSThesis