Gowda, Dr.M.V.C.SALIMJAVED, S.2019-10-192019-10-192001-08-07Th-5971http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810132153The potential of protein and isozyme polymoiphism for varietal identification and to monitor abiotic stress resistance in Arachis hypogaea L., was explored in the present investigation. Thirteen genotjpes, comprising eleven cuhivars and two potential genotypes under adoptive trials and ten mutants encompassing foliar disease resistant mutants and their susceptible counterparts were evaluated for protein and iso2yme polymorphism. These genotypes were also subjected to various abiotic stresses and response in terms of growth and protein and isozyme variation was studied. Of four enzymes assayed, only Glutamate Oxaloacetate Transaminase was polymorphic. It could differentiate uptp subspecies level only. For Peroxidase and Super Oxide Dismutase only tissue specific variation was observed. However, protein profiles were more variable. Seed, root and hypocotyl protein profiles had three, three and four electrophoretic phenotypes, respectively. All the three protein profiles were used in combination for varietal identification. This could uniquely identify seven out of thirteen cultivars. The other three groups comprised of two cultivars each. The genotypes were subjected to moisture stress using PEG. In case of temperature and salt stress, induction studies were carried out Genotypes differences were clearly seen under temperature stress but only limited variation was noticed under salt stress. In cultivars, two protein bands (Rf value 0.19 and 0.23) were polymorphic under moisture and temperature stressed conditions. They were present in resistant cultivars even under stress but absent in susceptible cultivars. In case of mutants, the resistant counter parts performed better under both moisture and temperature stresses. The two polymorphic bands (Rf 0.19 and 0.23) were absent in some mutants under moisture stress. Under temperature stress, only one band (0.19) was absent. Two bands of Peroxidase (Rf value 0.628 and 0.686) were induced under stress. These bands were constituthely Present in I 15 e, an interspecific derivative, which has performed better under temperature stress. The precise identity of these protein bands and regulation of Peroxidases need to be elucidated so that these could be used as potential markers for abiotic stress tolerance.ennullPROTEIN AND ISOZYME VARIATION AND ITS RELATION TO STRESS RESPONSE IN GROUNDNUT (Arachis hypogaea L.) GENOTYPESThesis