WAGHMARE, S. K.PATEL, DWARKABHAI JOITARAM2018-06-212018-06-211981http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810054697Introduction: Farm Science Centre (KCK), Randheja has started its activation for training from January, 1979. Yet, there is no scientific and systematic effort has been made to study the types of farmers who have been trained in institutional training. Also there is a vast group of farmers who have not participated in the training programmes from the same area. It is therefore, important to study the increase in knowledge level and adoption of farm practices by the farmers who have trained in the training programmes. It is assumed that this knowledge would help in determining the vocational training needs of farmers with special references to its type and certain subject areas.Thus, this study provides practical utility for those who are concerned with farmers’ Training directly or indirectly. Hence the investigator thought to conduct this study.enExtension Education, AgricultureAN EVALUATIONAN EVALUATION OF THE INSTITUTIONAL TRAINING PROGRAMME CONDUCTED BY THE FARM SCIENCE CENTRE, RANDHEJA IN GANDHINAGAR DISTRICT OF GUJARAT STATEThesis