Kumar, S. KrishnaVenkataramanan, R.Anilkumar, R.Sreekumar, C.Thangavel, K.TANUVAS2016-06-242016-06-242009http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/67897Vaccination is the process by which the response of an animal’s immune system to an infectious disease is stimulated by a method, other than developing and living through the disease. This process attempts to render the animal resistant to that disease upon future exposure. Historically, the vaccination process was an easy one. With the emergence of many new vaccines in the market and the realization that vaccination is not risk free, the process is no longer so simple (Rynders, 2005). The present paper discusses the different vaccines available for canines, their advantages, and regimen to be followed.enDesigning Effective and Practical Immunization Programs for PupsIntas Polivet_2009_Vol.10(II)_326-329Article