KALA KUMAR, B.D.P(MAJOR)SOMASEKHAR REDDY, KSUDARSHAN RAO, VSHAILAJA, M2018-09-292018-09-292006http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810074491THESESABSTRACT: Keeping in view the significance of lead as an environmental pollutant, an attempt was made to investigate the levels of lead in vegetation and livestock, and other bimarkers of lead-induced health hazards in two areas viz.. Uppal area of Hyderabad and Dairy Experimental Station (DES) of College of Veterinary Science, Hyderabad. Lead concentrations in fodder, water, blood and milk was determined by the GFAAS (Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry). The rnean lead concentration in fodder, buffalo blood and milk from Uppal area was 30.34fi.97, 0.2QM.04 and 0.19H.02 ppm, respedively, where as ths rnean lead comemation in fodder, buffalo blood and milk from DES area was 73.16i27.40.0 .98M.08a nd 0.6M.06p pm, respectively. Smm and Mood samples were analyzed for total protein, albumin, globulin, albumin: globulin ratio, creatinine, SOPT, ALP, RBC, WBC and Hb concentration. The buPFeloes of Uppal areas had significantly (pc0.001) higher total pratein. albumin, globulin, cregtinine, SGPT, ALP, RBC and Hb than the buffaloes of DES area. Further, a negative mlation was observed when the concentration of lead was compared to the concentrations of other trace minerals like iron and zinc in biological samples.ennullINVESTIGATIVE STUDIES ON LEAD AS AN INDICATOR IN ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION OF ANIMAL INPUT AND PRODUCE IN UPPAL AREA OF HYDERABADThesis