Yadav, PoonamReema2023-06-162023-06-162022-07https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810197615Happiness is something which every human being quest for since a long time. Particularly at present, in this COVID pandemic, it has been the most important consideration for human being to stay safe, healthy and happy rather than being rich or famous. The purpose of this research is to determine the factors that differentiate happiness of teachers who work in government and private schools and factors impacting happiness of female school teachers. In addition, due to lack of research focused on happiness of teachers, the aim is also to contribute to the literature. The present study was conducted in Hisar district of Haryana state. From selected Government and Private schools, 120 female school teachers were taken as subjects for the study. Selected tools were administered upon the teachers to collect the information as per specific objectives of the study. Frequency, percentages, mean, and standard deviation for comparison by using Z test and ANOVA, Chi Square test for association and coefficient of correlation for relationship between variables. Out of total sample nearly one-third (43.3%) of the school teachers reported moderate level of perceived stress followed by severe (32.5%) and low level (24.2%). Nearly (47.5%) of total respondents reported moderate self-efficacy score followed by high (26.7%) and low (25.8%). Statistical significant differences were observed in the mean scores of perceived stress and self-efficacy of government and private teachers. As a protective measure self- efficacy was significantly associated with happiness which means those respondents who were more self-efficacious were happier. On an alarming front nearly one third of teachers were in lower level of happiness. Statistically significant differences were not observed in mean scores of happiness among government and private teachers. Private teachers scored higher mean on happiness than government teachers. It was revealed that happiness among school teachers is significantly negatively correlated to perceived stress and positively as well as significantly correlated with self efficacy. Type of school and size of family were significantly associated with happiness of teachers. Further it was inferred that happiness of school teachers does not have significant difference with respect to their age, teaching cadre and experience. Private teachers were significantly higher on self efficacy, lower on perceived stress. This research is important for the happiness of the students and the contribution of happiness of the teachers.EnglishImpact of perceived stress and self efficacy on happiness among female school teachers during COVID-19 pandemicThesis