Dr. (Mrs.) Deepali DhawanKANUPRIYA VYAS2023-10-192023-10-192022https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810199230A national festival is an occasion to refine and rebuild the national character”. Narendra Modi Hinduism is the oldest religion in the world. It has integrated into different sects, creeds and castes, along with their respective customs, traditions, culture and mode of worship, forming a formidable amalgam of astonishing vitality and dynamism. (Sharma, 2006) The secret of Hinduism‟s successful survival can be traced to the imaginative and colorful celebration of its festivals by the people. These joyous occasions of festivals have a powerful impact on the faith and belief of the masses. These fairs and festivals have several ramifications in the social, economical, cultural and artistic spheres (Bhatia, 1999). Society as a whole gains a lot by celebrating these fairs and festivals around the year.EnglishDevelopment and Standardization of Selected ICT Tools Regarding Fairs and Festivals of Bikaner District (Rajasthan)Thesis