Pant, A.K.Joshi, Archana2019-02-112019-02-112018-11 essential oils and methanolic extracts of various species of family Myrtaceae, Verbenaceae and Lauraceae were analyzed for chemical composition, total phenol content, antioxidant activity and biological activities. The major components identified in the essential oil of Melaleuca leucadendron (L.) were E-nerolidol (85.7%), caryophyllene oxide(3.7%) and benzaldehyde(1.2%) besides other minor constituents. 1,8-cineol (61.1%), α-terpineol (12.3%), α-pentene (4%) and β-myrcene (3.8%) along with other minor constituents were identified in the leaf essential oil of Melaleuca.linariifolia Sm. The major compound in the leaf essential oil of Melaleuca bracteata F.Muell were methyl eugenol (74.8 %) and E-methyl cinnamate (7.97%) accompanied with other minor constituents. The leaf and flower essential oils of Callistemon viminalis (Sol. Ex Gaertn.) G. Don were characterized by dominance of 1,8-cineol (40 % and 65.4%) followed by α-pentene (17.3% and 12%) and α-phellendrene (11.8% and 4.3%) alongwith other minor constituents respectively in leaf and flower oil. Linalool (65.7% and 63.8%) was detected as the major component of two morphotypes of Lippia alba(Mill.) N.E.Br.ex Britton & P. Wilson. The major compounds in Caryopteris odorata (D. Don) Robin essential oil were β-caryophyllene (33.1%), α-bisabolene (11.0%), β-elemene (7.0%), β-caryophyllene oxide (6.0%) and β-longipinene (4.0%). The essential oils from leaf, stem and seeds essential oil of Caryopteris foetida (D. Don) P. D. Cantino were characterized by the presence of spathulenol, β-caryophyllene and δ-cadinene alongwith other minor constituents respectively in the leaf, stem and seed essential oil. The major component of the leaf oil of Litsea lanuginosa (Nees) were ethyl ester of tetradec-tetraenoic acid (16.8%), β-caryophyllene oxide (10.8%), spathulenol (4.9%) and caryophylla-4(12),8(13)-dien-5β-ol (4.9%) besides other minor constituents. The major compound in the leaf essential oil of Litsea monopetala (Roxb.) Pers. were furanodiene (60%) and sesquirosefuran (14.3%) besides other minor constituents. β-caryophyllene (15.5%) and (E)-β-ocimene (13.88%), β-myrcene (6.6%) were identified as major componenets in the leaf essential oil of Litsea glutinosa (Lour.) C.B Robinson along with other minor constitutents. Two chemotypes of Litsea umbrosa (Nees) Nees syn. Neolitsea pallens were studied. The major compounds identified in the essential oil of L.umbrosa type I were furanogermanone (13.8%) and sabinene (5.4%) whereas in type II β-pinene (7.4%) and β-eudesmol (5.6%) were found alongwith other minor constituents. Among the major compounds identified in the methanolic extracts, (E,Z)-nerolidol (24.7%), betulinic acid (13.6%) and ursolic acid (6.3%) were identified in M.leucadendron. Betulinic acid (9.9%), quinic acid (6.4% and gallic acid (1.1%) in M.linariifolia while betulinic acid (13.4%), ursolic acid (4.3%) and quinic acid (3.1%) in M.bracteata were the major compounds . Phytol (2%), palmitic acid (1.7%) and α-linolenic acid (1.3%) in C.odorata, glycerol (6.0%) and ribitol (3.0%) in C.foetida were the major components. pinitol (17.4%), quinic acid (2.4%) and cyclohexanepentol (6.6%) in L.lanuginosa, α-tocopherol (2.7%), phytol (2.4%) and palmitic acid (2.5%) in L.monopetala, α-tocopherol (9.2%), β-sitosterol (5.7%), palmitic acid (6.1%) and phytol (3.5%) in L.glutinosa, shikimic acid (13.1%), betulinic acid (7.3%), ursolic acid (6.7%), gallic acid (7.1%), quinic acid (4.5%) and oleanolic acid (3.0%) in C.viminalis were identified as TMS derivatives. The methanolic extracts were subjected to quantitative analysis of total phenol, flavanoids and orthodihydric phenol content. The phenol content, flavanols and orthodihydric phenols were found to vary from 9.07 to 35.12 mg/g GAE, 5.18 to 29.09 mg/g CTE and 0.89 to 31.88 mg/g CLE. The antioxidant activity of methanolic extracts and essential oils were determined in terms of radical scavenging , iron chelating, reducing power assay and total antioxidant activity. The DPPH radical scavenging activity of methanolic extracts and essential oils (in terms of their IC50 values) varied from 40.85 to 131.49 μg/ml and 1.82 to 26.88 μg/ml respectively. The methanol extract of M.linariifolia exhibited maximum (IC50=40.85±2.501μg/ml) DPPH radical scavenging activity whereas the essential oil of C.odorata (IC50=1.82±0.042 μg/ml)showed strong DPPH radical scavenging activity. The metal chelating activity of methanolic extracts and essential oils were found between 139.15 to 309.82μg/ml and 1.59 to 28.30μg/ml respectively. The methanolic extract of L.lanuginosa (IC50=139.15±0.761 μg/ml) and essential oil of C.odorata (IC50=1.59±0.456 μg/ml) revealed strong iron chelating activity. The reducing power activity of methanolic extracts and essential oils were found in the range of 80.37μg/ml to 264.78 μg/ml and 2.11μg/ml to 15.98μg/ml. The maximum (IC50=80.37±0.787 μg/ml) reducing potential was exhibited by methanol extract of C.odorata whereas the essential oil of M.bracteata (2.11±0.390 μg/ml) exhibited remarkably strong reducing activity. The nitric oxide radical scavenging activity of methanolic extracts and essential oils were found to vary between 65.74 to 192.37μg/ml and 12.46 to 42.19μg/ml. The total antioxidant activity of methanolic extracts were found to vary between 20.52 to 92.73 μg/ml and maximum (92.73 μg/ml) was found in leaf methanolic extract of C.foetida. The invitro anti-inflammatory activity of essential oils and methanol extracts were determined and compared with standard Diclofenec sodium. A remarkably strong anti-inflammatory activity was exhibited by the leaf essential oil and methanolic extract of C.foetida. The essential oils and extracts were also analyzed for antifungal and antibacterial potential. The essential oil of M.leucadendron inhibited 80.83% whereas M.bracteata inhibited 82.91% of mycelia growth of Sclerotinia. Also the essential oil of M.bracteata inhibited 90% mycelia growth of E.turcicum along with significant reduction in the growth of C.lunata (75.20%). Most of the extracts and essential oils revealed antibacterial activity against tested microorganism. The methanolic extract of Litsea monopetala and Litsea glutinosa exhibited MIC of 200ppm against Salmonela typhimurium.The methanolic extract of Callistemon viminalis revealed strong antibacterial activity with MIC of 200ppm,150ppm and 150ppm respectively against E.coli , Staphylococcus aureus and Basilus megaterium.Similarly the essential oil of Litsea monopetala ,Lippia alba ,Melaleuca bracteata exhibited strong activity. Allelopathic activity of essential oils and methanolic extracts was determined in terms of inhibition of seed germination and percent reduction of radical elongation of radish seeds. All the extracts and essential oils exhibited moderate to strong herbicidal activity at all tested concentrations. Based on above findings it can be concluded that the species under study can be used as a potent source of various marker constituents of industrial and pharmaceutical applications as well as a good source of natural antioxidant, antimicrobials and organic herbicide.ennullPhytochemical analysis and biological activities of some plants of family Verbenaceae, Lauraceae and MyrtaceaeThesis