Yogeshpriya, SSelvaraj, PVeeraselvam, MSaravanan, MTANUVAS2019-10-312019-10-312018http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810133665TNV_JAR_2018-8(6)1009-1013Transition cow health assessment study with 28 crossbreed Jersey and Holstein Friesian cows of 3 to 7-year-old were under taken. They were conventionally managed under field conditions over a period of 2 years. Two blood samples were collected from each cow and were assessed for haematological and biochemical analysis. There was significant variation (p<0.05) found between MCH, MCHC and platelet values of pre and post partum cross bred cows. The erythrocyte count in pregnant cows was significantly higher than that of postpartum cows. In the present study, no significant differences were found between the prepartum and postpartum serum metabolites of globulin, phosphorus, total calcium and non-esterified fatty acids levels except for the concentrations of chloride and ionized calcium where the prepartum value was significantly (P<0.05) higher than the postpartum values.enVeterinary ScienceMetabolic Health Status of Transition Cows in Dried up Cauvery Delta districts of Tamilnadu, IndiaJournal of Animal ResearchArticle