Umesh, K.BPOOJA2023-01-042023-01-042022-05-25 and migration in India are influenced by major differences in the patterns of social and economic development. Since urbanization has been identified as a key global concern in the coming decades, research on the rural–urban interface has expanded. The present study is a systematic approach to investigate how urbanisation, migration, and irrigation water productivity affect livelihoods of farm households in Bengaluru. The villages around the Bengaluru city were selected randomly and categorized into three gradients like urban, transition and rural gradients. The sample frame consisted of 260 farm households representing 60 from urban and 100 each from the transition and rural gradients. The result showed that highest rate of migration was in rural gradient with 52 per cent of households migrating followed by urban (46.67 %) and transition (35 %) gradient. The rural-urban migration pattern was the most important and dominating one among the four migration streams found in the study. In rural gradient, the migration was higher (41.76 %) because of prevalence of more wages at the destination than in origin followed by availability of better jobs (31.87 %). The result of the probit model showed that, among significant factors, education, household size, non-farm income and outstanding debt of the family had positive effect while, farm income alone had negative effect on the probability of household migration. Calculations on irrigation water productivity of major crops showed that the irrigation water productivity of tomato was higher compared to ragi, carrot and mulberry. The findings of the fractional probit model demonstrated that urban households had a positive and substantial effect on the livelihood security. The livelihood security index showed that urban households (0.61) had greater livelihood security than transition (0.55) and rural (0.52) households.EnglishECONOMIC IMPACT OF URBANIZATION ON IRRIGATION WATER PRODUCTIVITY, MIGRATION AND LIVELIHOOD SECURITY OF HOUSEHOLDS IN RURAL-URBAN INTERFACE OF NORTH BENGALURUThesis