Munjal, RenuSonia Rani2019-12-062019-12-062019, drought has become one of the major abiotic stress which affects wheat productivity. The present study conducted to assess drought effect on physiological changes in carbohydrate accumulation and mobilization in wheat genotypes in comparison to irrigated conditions. The ten wheat genotypes (NIAW 3170, C 306, RIL-S1-38, BRW 3806, MACS 6696, K1317, MP 3288,HD 3237, WH 1235, HI 1620) in RBD with 3 rows of 3m length with a 20 cm spacing within rows respectively, were grown during rabi season of 2018-19 at Field Research Area, Wheat & Barley Section, Department of Genetics & Plant Breeding. Although wheat performance hinders by drought at all developmental stages but it was more critical during flowering and grain-filling stages. Drought effect on yield was studied on physiological, biochemical, morphological and phonological parameters under both irrigated and drought conditions. The results shows reduction in response to drought in physiological parameters (NDVI, canopy temperature, photosynthetic rate, transpiration rate, stomatal conductance, chlorophyll a/b ratio on flag leaf and biochemical parameters like carbohydrate observation, cell membrane stability, solidness observed on different parts of stem. Under drought conditions, metabolite and enzyme activities were highly reduced and as a result reduction in yield was observed. Understanding these traits helps breeder to develop tolerant cultivars. Carbohydrates (mainly fructan) accumulation and remobilization play important part in yield and drought tolerence. Physiological and biochemical parameters were found helpful in assessment of yield under drought condition. Yield was found highly reduced in drought condition as compared to irrigated condition. Under irrigated and drought conditions genotype RIL-S1- 38, WH 1235 show better performance as compared to other genotypes. Non structural carbohydrates, water soluble carbohydrate, spectrial indics and stem solidness observation are best parameters for selection of drought tolerant genotype.ennullDrought induced physiological changes in stem carbohydrate accumulation and mobilization in bread wheat genotypesThesis