MAHESH, V., B.F.SC.2019-07-052019-07-052011 contribute substantially to the Indian fisheries economy in general and to the Karnataka State marine economy in particular. Fisherwomen form a invisible workforce but they are dominant in shore based activities such as processing, vending and trading of fish. Studies have revealed that the fisherwomenâ s contribution to the family income was found to be vital and indispensable for the fisher families livelihood. Among fisherwomen, the major fishing-related activities are marketing (41.8 per cent), labour (18.4 per cent) and curing/processing (18 per cent). Further as many as 73.6 per cent of those engaged in marketing are women, .Against this background, the need for studying the empowerment level of fisherwomen, their control over the resources and decision making capacities was felt necessary.AN ASSESSMENT OF STATUS OF EMPOWERMENT OF FISHERWOMEN IN COASTAL KARNATAKAThesis