Gupta, ChhaviVishnugurubaran, DBharathidasan, M, et al.,TANUVAS2022-02-042022-02-042020-12 two year primiparous Rajapalayam bitch was presented to Veterinary Clinical Complex with the history of anorexia, enlarged abdomen and greenish vaginal discharge. Radiological and ultrasonographical examination revealed multiple viable foeti. Animal did not respond after two inductions of parturition. On repeated ultrasonographical examination, the foetus on the caudal end was seen not viable. Hence, emergency caesarean section was performed. Surgical intervention revealed anti-clockwise twisting of the left gravid uterine horn with severe congestion and necrosis which is an indicative of unilateral uterine torsion. Eight live pups along with one dead fetus were recovered through caesarean section. Ovariohysterectomy was done after correcting the torsion to save the life of the bitch and animal had uneventful recovery.EnglishVeterinary ScienceSUCCESSFUL MANAGEMENT OF UNILATERAL UTERINE TORSION IN A RAJAPALAYAM BITCHHaryana Vet.Article