Selvasubramanian, S.Sarathchandra, G.Tirumurugaan, K.G.Manivannan, T.TANUVAS2018-02-082018-02-082015 Bowel Disease (IBD) is a chronic inllammatory disease of gastrointcstinal tract comprises of two distinct conditions, nalnely Crohn”s disease (CD) and ulcerativc eolitis (UC), with both overlapping and distinct clinical and pathological features. IBD is an inappropriate immune response that oceurs in genetically susceptiblc individuals as a result of a complex interaction among environmental factors, microbial factors, and the inlestinal immunc system. The incidence and prevalence of IBD have been increasing worldwide across pediatric and adult populations which might be due to change in lifestyle and food habits for lBD patients. There is no single ideal therapy for IBD patientsenVeterinary ScienceVeterinary Pharmacology and ToxicologyEXPLORATION OF THE ANTI- INFLAMMATORY POTENTIAL OF EMU OIL FORMULATION AND LUPEOL (BAEL FRUIT EXTRACT) IN TRINITROBENZENESULFONIC ACID (TNBS) INDUCED INFLAMMATORY BOWEL DISEASE IN RATSThesis