K. N., SREENIVASAMINGAD, VARUNG. K., SEETHARAMUSANGAMAK. S., SHIVASHANKARAT. H., SHANKARAPPAR., VENUGOPALAN2021-07-082021-07-082017-03UHS12PGD52https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810170242A study was contemplated involving the use of nanoparticles, osmoregulators and antitranspirants to evaluate their effect on improving vase life attributes in cut rose at the Department of Postharvest Technology, College of Horticulture, Bengaluru, with average ambient temperature being 272C. Silver nanoparticles at 50 ppm resulted in maximum vase life of seven days exhibiting highest cumulative water uptake (84.37 g), highest transpiration loss (84.60 g), maximum water balance (-1.03 g) and highest relative fresh weight (91.00 %) whereas, carbon nano tubes at 5 ppm resulted in the highest membrane stability index (52.27 %). Zinc nanoparticles resulted in the least bacterial load in the vase solution (6 x 104 CFU ml-1). Among various osmoregulators and antitranspirants, proline 2mM resulted in highest cumulative water uptake (47.17 g) and highest cumulative transpiration loss (55.50 g), whereas, glycerol 6 per cent resulted in maximum water balance (-2.48 g) and highest relative fresh weight (93.38 %). Application of proline 10mM resulted in maximum leaf water potential (-0.16 MPa) on the fifth day. Roses held in T1 (silver nanoparticles 50 ppm plus sucrose 1.5% plus citric acid 300 ppm) exhibited highest cumulative water uptake (91.93 g) and highest cumulative transpiration loss (90.65 g). Flowers held in T3 (glycerol 6% + sucrose 1.5% + citric acid 300 ppm) exhibited highest water balance (-1.52 g). Cut roses held in floral preservative solution T2 (silver nanoparticles 20 ppm + sucrose 1.5% + citric acid 300 ppm) exhibited highest relative fresh weight (95.99 %) and maximum leaf water potential (-0.19 MPa) on the tenth day of vase period. It can be concluded that T2 (silver nanoparticles 20 ppm + sucrose 1.5% + citric acid 300 ppm) was the best treatment overall along with vase life of 12 days and low expenditure of chemicals at Rs. 1.04 only per flower per day.EnglishEFFECT OF NANOPARTICLES, ANTITRANSPIRANTS AND OSMOREGULATORS TO ENHANCE THE VASE LIFE OF CUT ROSES (Rosa x hybrida L.)Thesis