M. S. ShitapPATEL VISHVABEN PRAMODBHAI2021-07-022021-07-022019-06https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810170015A major increase in cotton area was observed in Gujarat, replacing by groundnut in the Saurashtra region. As the agricultural production is subjected to extent of variation, the growth and instability in agriculture has remained the subject of deep concern in the area of agricultural economics in India and this is true for oilseeds production also. Instability in agricultural production is also important for agricultural product management. Hence, a critical analysis of growth and instability of groundnut production have its own significant importance. Besides instability, Indian agriculture is also known for sharp variations in agricultural productivity across space which results in various types of disparities. The present study has been taken up, i. To study different statistical models for the growth in area, production and productivity of groundnut crop in Gujarat. ii. To measure the extent of variation in area, production and productivity of groundnut crop in Gujarat. iii. To examine the inter district inter region variability in area, production and productivity of groundnut crop in Gujarat The time series data on area, production and productivity of groundnut crop for 31 years were collected for major groundnut growing districts and Gujarat state ABSTRACT for the period 1985-86 to 2015-16 from Directorate of Agriculture, Gandhinagar, Gujarat State. The entire study period was divided into two sub-periods on the basis of introduction of Bt- cotton as pre Bt-cotton and post Bt- cotton. Various polynomial as well as ARIMA model was used to study the growth. Instability in the area, production and productivity of groundnut was analyzed using the Cuddy Della Valle Index (CDVI) and Friedman test was used to study the inter district and inter regional variability. The results revealed that the area under groundnut was decreased in Bhavnagar, Jamnagar, Junagadh, Kheda, Rajkot and Sabarkantha districts after introduction of Bt-cotton. The production of groundnut was increased in Ahmedabad, Banaskantha, Rajkot and Sabarkantha districts whereas decreased in Jamnagar district and remained stable in Surat district after introduction of Bt-cotton. Productivity was increased in Banaskantha, Bhavnagar, Jamnagar, Junagadh, Rajkot, Sabarkantha and Surendranagar districts after introduction of Bt-cotton. Majority of the districts showed medium level of variability for area except Ahmedabad, Banaskantha, Kheda and Surat (High variability), Rajkot (Low variability), all the districts showed high level of variability for production and high level of variability for productivity except Kheda, Surat and Surendranagar which showed medium level of variability. Significant variability was observed among districts and regions with respect to area under groundnut, production and productivity of groundnut.English“GROWTH AND INSTABILITY ANALYSIS OF GROUNDNUT CROP IN GUJARAT: BEFORE AND AFTER Bt-COTTON” 2805Thesis