Arya, Vivak M.Kour Kukal, Japneet2021-12-162021-12-162021-122021-12Preferred for your work Kukal, J.K and Arya V.M. 2021. Impact of land use system and seasonal variations on aggregate associated soil carbon in outer Himalayas. M.Sc. Thesis, Sher- Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology of Jammu, Jammu, India.36750 investigation was carried out to study the impact of land use system and seasonal variations on aggregate associated soil carbon in outer Himalayas. The soil samples were collected in Kharif and Rabi season at five different depths. The mean value of total organic carbon was highest in forest land (26.03 g kg-1) and lowest in barren land (12.55 g kg-1). Rabi season showed higher value of total organic carbon (18.19 g kg-1) than Kharif season (17.39 g kg- 1). The mean value of soil oxidizable organic carbon was highest in forest land (4.82 g kg-1) and was lowest in barren land (2.96 g kg-1). Soil oxidizable organic carbon was lowest in Rabi season (3.69 g kg-1) and highest in Kharif season (3.89 g kg-1). The value of aggregate associated organic carbon was highest in forest land (6.36 g kg-1) and was lowest in barren land (5.00 g kg-1). The Rabi season showed greater values of aggregate associated organic carbon (5.98 g kg-1) than Kharif season (5.40 g kg-1). The value of hot water-soluble carbon was highest in forest land (0.46 g kg-1) and was lowest in barren land (0.18 g kg-1). The Kharif season had higher values of hot water-soluble carbon (0.35 g kg-1) than the Rabi season (0.27 g kg-1). The mean value of particulate organic carbon was highest in forest land (4.33 g kg-1) and was lowest in barren land (3.00 g kg-1). The Rabi season had higher values of particulate organic carbon (3.63 g kg-1) when compared to Kharif season (2.98 g kg-1). The microbial biomass carbon was highest in forest land (76.75 mg kg-1) and lowest in barren land (52.85 mg kg-1). The microbial biomass carbon was lowest in Rabi season (64.53 mg kg-1) and was highest in Kharif season (66.80 mg kg-1). All carbon pools showed the highest values in the surface layers (0-5 and 5-15) cm and lowest in sub- surface layers (60-100) cm.EnglishIMPACT OF LAND USE SYSTEM AND SEASONAL VARIATIONS ON AGGREGATE ASSOCIATED SOIL CARBON IN OUTER HIMALAYASThesis